Please log in.
Note: If you are a new user, you will be prompted to create a login when you click “Save and continue” after completing Step 1. Browse and select an eCard to go to Step 1: Create Your Card.
Forgot/Reset your password?
Card Name
A card project requires a name for saving, retrieval and report tracking.
Image Instructions
You can add up to two graphics to your card. Many businesses like to include their logo, signatures of the team, or maybe a photo.
What file size and file types can I upload?
You can upload a JPG, GIF, or PNG file up to 786 KB.
What dimensions should my images be?
The image areas below your personal message are set to a maximum width of 550px. If your images are larger than this dimension, they will resize to fit the space. Suggestion: To avoid an image being smaller than you would like, be sure to crop any excess white space around the image.
Message Tips
Please follow these tips to decrease the chance that your card is seen as spam and to increase deliverability:
Location Tips
The location input box allows formatting of your address to your requirements. You can format your address on one line to your preference, or you can place address items on separate lines and a "|" separator will be provided for you.
Create user login if a new user.
If at anytime you leave the site before completing your card, you will be able to access your card(s) by logging in with your email address and password. Upon logging in, click on the link to any of your saved cards and you will be brought to the step where you left off.
Log in if a returning user.